Writer’s Lament

You’re typing your thoughts on a document

with the things you want to say already in mind.

You read through what you have done,

you’re happy with it and save it.


Just as you’re ready to email it to the one you intended to send the document to,

it seems to not exist at all.

You’ve extinguished so much of your energy into finishing that file,

and just like that it’s already gone.


It’s heartbreaking.

Suddenly, you feel like a wilted vegetable,


like your world is on a standstill.


Your fingers are trembling as you mindlessly type in keywords,

trying to search for that one document.

You freeze into a halt,

and give up just like that.


With no choice at all,

you result to doing it over.

You seemed selfish

at that first try anyway,


So you open a new slate,

start once again from the beginning.

This time,

as you finish the current file,


You tell yourself,

good thing I got rid of that.


you save it.


Glad that’s over

and done with!



Day (471) – The Intro & The Journey…Why The Hell Not

The Better Man Project

When Ted Williams was a young boy, his schoolteacher went around the classroom and asked everyone what they wanted to be when they grew up. Many said firefighters, doctors, dentists etc…and when it came time for Williams to answer, he said, “I want people to say there goes the greatest hitter who ever lived.” Many laughed.

Ted Wiliams hit .406 in 1941 and was arguably one of the greatest hitters to ever play the game.

I had this interesting exchange with someone the other day. I sent out at message that was similar to Williams’. I said that one day I want people to say, “There goes Evan Sanders…the most inspiring man who ever lived.” The response was in no way bad…and he said (paraphrasing) “Even more inspiring that Obama or MLK? I’m all for goals but is that realistic?” That made me think…and I took a dive within. Is…

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Day (465) – Be A Little Bit Different

The Better Man Project

“If you don’t ask yourself on occasion ‘What the hell am I actually doing?’ I’m not certain your actually living.” – Megan Dills

I found the quote above on Twitter tonight and it got me thinking. I was going to write an interesting post titled “When Your Life Hindenburg’s” this evening, but in light of what has gone in in the past few hours, I have changed my mind.

I watched the Heat win the NBA championship tonight. Im not a huge basketball fan but I do appreciate inspiring moments. And as always, my favorite part of the game is actually after it is over – listening to players talk. Who cares if many of them are not that eloquent. I feel like people use that as an excuse to put them down and almost dim the glow of their achievements. Anyways…I listened, and listened hard to what James said…

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So Far, So Good

June 18, 2013, Tuesday

It’s my fourth week in college and it’s turning out pretty good. I have new friends, new professors and met really interesting and notable people here around the university. It’s definitely different from high school and I have to say that my load is not jam-packed–I only have 20 units.

Orgs, orgs, orgs. If only I could join all the organizations in DLSU, I would. But that is just simply impossible! It’s just my first year though and I’ve got plenty of room for those later on. I guess it would be good to join one or two but if I go more than that limit, I would be killing myself.

I feel more flexible here than I was in high school. I can see that my confidence and outgoing nature has found its nitch here. Still, there’s still some room for me to grow. I’m not content with what I am able to learn now. Every day is a continuous learning process, and that I believe, would be my motivation every single waking day.

I just recently got chosen to be one of our batch representative–I have to double check though if this is official—and it’s a great way to start this year. Also, I applied for Green Media Group under the Creatives Pool and about to sign up to be a part of The LaSallian. I’m very proud to say that my former school has been able to equip me with the experience and skills that I need to continue on what I am capable of. And maybe someday, this will be my career path, my key to success.

In summary, yeah, so far, so good. There’s definitely more to discover, experience and learn. I’ll just have to be patient. Keep you posted!


Day (452) – Socrates Clapped and a Prosthetic Leg

The Better Man Project

You know…he probably would be applauding. It was Socrates himself who said that, “True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.” Let me tell you a story.

I was having a absolutely horrible day. I mean…really bad. Couldn’t get myself out of a funk, upset, teary eyed, not following through with my goals, feeling like my life was not moving forward and developing at all..the works. So I jumped on a train to go see my best friend in the city. On the way I took out my journal and started writing. The words began to pour out and eventually I started to make myself feel better. I began with all my complaints, moved towards solving them, and then created a plan, my plan, on how I was going to be the best at what I am most passionate about in this world. I stepped off that train, the sea…

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